Anne Betteridge

An anthropologist with a PhD from the University of Chicago, Anne H. Betteridge is a faculty member in the UA School of Middle Eastern & North African Studies. She also currently serves as the President of the American Institute of Iranian Studies and the Chair of the Council of American Overseas Research Centers. She previously served as the Director of the UA Center for Middle Eastern Studies and was Executive Director of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) from 1990-2002. Her research interests focus on Iranian culture and society, and women and ritual in particular. Anne H. Betteridge is currently Co-Chair of the Council of National Resource Center Directors (CNRC); the CNRC includes 113 Title VI National Resource Centers in all world areas, funded by the US Department of Education. She was elected in 2016 and again in 2018 as Vice President of the American Institute for Iranian Studies. Anne H. Betteridge previously served on the Board of the American Council of Learned Societies; on the Academic Steering Committee of the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, Tufts University; on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Persianate Studies; and chaired the National Council of Area Studies Associations.