Eric Jae Taylor
Eric is a geographer and environmental anthropologist with skills in dendrochronology, computer programming, data visualization, geographic information systems (GIS), and graphic arts. He is especially interested in disaster studies and disturbance ecology, ranging from earthquakes to fire and beyond. More broadly, Eric’s work regards environmental adaptation, problems of time and perspective in scientific research, and methods that bridge the past and present. Eric is now studying Mediterranean societies including the Ottoman Empire as well as the modern nations of Turkey, Italy, and Greece. However, he carries a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Arizona as well as additional degrees in Asian Studies. Eric is a certified UAS (drone) pilot and has conducted many kinds of fieldwork in multiple US states, Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, and Mongolia. He currently works as a media specialist at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies in addition to studying in MENAS.