Adel Gamal Advanced Arabic Award

The 2025 application deadline is Friday, April 4, 2025 by 11:59pm. The application is open now! 

Award Description

The award will support students pursuing a degree in advanced Arabic language through the School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies, students fulfilling an academic degree that requires advanced Arabic language, as well as undergraduate or graduate students in the School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies.

The award amount will generally range between $500 and $1,000 and will vary depending on the number of student recipients in any given year.

The Adel Gamal Advanced Arabic Award Committee is appointed and convened by the School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies.


Undergraduate Student Eligibility

Undergraduate students must be in good academic standing at the University of Arizona with a GPA of at least 2.8 or have two letters of recommendation from a language instructor that explains their language proficiency in Arabic.

Graduate Student Eligibility

Graduate students must be enrolled in the School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies. Applicants should demonstrate that the award funds will be used to further their Arabic language comprehension and should submit writing of their thesis, dissertation, or manuscript demonstrating their research interest in the language.

Application Requirements

Please submit your application here: Adel Gamal Advanced Arabic Award 2025 Application

The application should include the following:

  • A personal statement (250 words, double-spaced) describing how the award will be important to your research or education. If financial hardship is part of your justification, please explain.
  • A resume or curriculum vitae (2 page maximum).
  • A copy of your college and/or graduate school transcripts. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
  • One recommendation letter from a language instructor, professor, advisor, or employment supervisor addressed to the Adel Gamal Advanced Arabic Award Committee.

Expectations for Award Winners

Recipients are expected to write a letter of thanks to Dr. Adel Gamal and provide a brief written summary of the endeavors supported by this award by the end of the academic year that the award is granted. Descriptions may be used to publicize and promote the award.

Funding Source

The award is funded by donations from family members, University of Arizona faculty and students, and individual donors and/or businesses.